Today is Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How To Make Your Love Playful

Love is meant to be playful.

To be playful is to enhance the experience of
love for both of you. We all want love to be
exciting – but how many people actually
experience excitement when it comes to love?
Certainly not enough!

Somehow we think that being “open” and “able
to relax” with the person we love means that
we can start getting heavy duty. We can now
finally spill our guts about anything and
everything, and he is supposed to be okay
with it because he loves us so much.

In fact, some women seem to press the issue
just so they can prove to themselves that a
man really loves them. They put the poor
guy through the mill until he’s ready to
bolt for the door!

What most women don’t know is this:

In some respects and at some times, men value
different things in women – than women value
in men. These important issues make a difference.

The sooner a woman realizes that a man’s
emotional needs are slightly different than
hers on these important points, the sooner
she’ll start getting her own needs met too.

Men are attracted to different traits in a
woman than a woman is attracted to in a man.
One of the main things men value in women -
as difficult as it is to talk about – is looks.
There is a LOT to say about this one issue
alone, and it is one I have given enormous
thought to over the years, and still do -
about exactly WHY this makes matters, and
HOW it matters.

Men also love games. We all know that men
love such things as sports, golf, cards, and
so on. Men stay more connected to the kid
in them than women tend to.

Of course, women love games and sports too -
but women in general ARE less likely to stay
in touch with the “kid” in them – because
they are busy Raising the Kids…!

Men also are voracious enthusiasts about another
game – the game of love.

You want to see a motivated man? Find one who
is pursuing a woman.

This is one reason why it works so well when
you start having fun enjoying the journey
instead of worrying so much about the

He can’t pursue you if you’re already his!

Men also prefer not to be pinned down for a
tough discussion that they’re not ready to

So when you start a making love into a fun
chase, you’re so far ahead of the game that
you will literally leave any “competition”
in the dust.

(Think you’re not competitive? Well, think
again; you’re probably a lot more competitive
than you may realize. We all are. It’s human nature!)

What is “Hard To Get”?

Hard to Get is a time-honored principle for a
reason. It has helped hundreds of thousands
of women to learn the meaning of valuing themselves
and using self-restraint and self-discipline when
some of their strongest urges could have resulted
in actions that would have NOT worked in their
best interests in the long run.

Make no mistake about it. Love is a “game” – the
most wonderful “game” ever invented. Play to win.
Play hard…. to get!

excerpt from Mimi Tanner


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