Today is Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Men Love Women Who Love Men

Are you a woman who truly loves men? So many
women seem to miss this all-important key to
a happy love life.

To love men is to delight in their company,
whether you have a romantic relationship
with them or not.

Do you genuinely delight in men, or does
the thought of men only bring to mind
your romantic troubles?

A woman who truly loves men is a special
kind of woman.

You can spot her by the way she interacts
with men. She enjoys the company of men -
even in casual conversation. She never
forgets that a man is a man.

Unfortunately, this kind of woman is often
instinctively disliked by the women who
don’t love men in the same way.

They consider her a threat because she
doesn’t play by their rules. She doesn’t
agree to underplay her feminine charm as
they all seem to want her to! And they
definitely don’t like that. Sad, isn’t it?
But many people reading this have
experienced this themselves!

It seems like many women decide at an early
age to stop looking like women – it was just
too much trouble anyway, they seem to say.
They were looking forward to getting married
so they could retire from all that hassle.

I think that’s a shame. A woman can be beautiful
and appealing and feminine at any age!

Some women maintain – “that feminine stuff -
that’s just not me.” Well, we all have to be
true to ourselves. But some women have
short-changed themselves and their men
by avoiding showing that they are womanly.

Somewhere along the line they were discouraged
from being appealing and the idea stayed with

There’s an often repeated idea that women
tend to dress for other women than for men.

Hopefully, you’re dressing to please
yourself, but let’s face it – what we wear
does show both our regard for other people,
and tells the world how we want to be

Does what you wear play up the fact that
you’re a woman, or is it something that a
man could wear just as easily as a woman?

The answer to that will tell you a lot about
where you stand with regard to truly loving
men – and reveling in your womanhood. (And
this does not require wearing a super-short
skirt or showing half a foot of cleavage!)

Some women constantly gripe about their lack
of success with men, but they are constantly
saying negative things – to men and women both.
They are looking for someone to blame instead
of looking for solutions.

It’s very possible to love men even if you have
had some very bad experiences with men in the past.

You can decide to blame all men for the bad
experiences you’ve had with some. You can
decide to make the good guys pay for the
mistakes of the bad guys in your past.

But all that does is make more sadness and
more distance from the love you truly desire!

Women who love men like being near men, talking
with men, hearing them laugh, hearing their views,
and being in male company.

Many of us were raised with the idea that we should
minimize the differences between the sexes rather
than celebrate it. Women who truly love men will
always recognize and celebrate the difference when
they talk to and spend time with a man. Men and
women are both all the happier as a result.

End of excerpt from Mimi Tanner


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