Today is Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fearless in Love

“Hard To Get” is for the fearless, because
the idea of “Hard to Get” is controversial.

It’s also a well-understood fact of simple
human nature.

Some people hear this phrase and automatically
think it means being “manipulative” – resorting
to “tricks” to “get a man.”

First – who says you need to “get a man”?
You don’t. You need to “get” yourself -
and know that if a man “gets” you, then
he’s a lucky bloke indeed.

Easy equals desperate. Easy equals not waiting
for what is special. Easy means not being okay
with being on your own.

Some women say, “With a really great man, I
shouldn’t need to play games.”

We say, “Great men love a challenge. When they’re
married to you, they’ll cherish you all the more
because you were hard to get.”

Truer words were never spoken.

Sometimes, a woman knows that the way she came
across – in a first meeting – with a guy she liked
WAS NOT the way she really wanted – and was not the
true, confident HER. Maybe out of nerves, she came
across a little needy or insecure. Only the slightest
fine-tuning could have made a big difference.

Some women say, “I don’t have the energy to work on
how I come across to men.”

We say, “Most worthwhile things take energy and
effort. The results are worth it.”

Some MEN say, “I don’t want a woman who plays

We say, “Yeah, right. What men think they want
and what they really want are usually two different
things! It’s just that some women are “hard to get”
for them – naturally.

Some women say, “I just don’t like the whole idea of
playing hard to get.”

We say, “Consider the alternative. It’s not a pretty p
icture. Not being hard to get means that you get to
Emotional First Base long before he does. When he
realizes that you are there before him – he will
start backing away from you. This causes a lot
of broken hearts.”

Hard To Get means you are in control – and you’re
a lot more likely to get the man you want and to
have a better relationship with him in the long run.

Excerpt from Mimi Tanner


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