Today is Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Understanding What Went Wrong

When a breakup happens, many women start doing
one thing – thinking, and thinking some more.
They try to figure out why the breakup happened.

Women do not need
to do this – that their first effort should NOT
be to try to figure out why a breakup happened.

Focus on getting back together, and
that WHEN you are back together, that will be the
time to address the cause of the breakup.

Surprised to hear that?

“Dealing with exactly why the breakup occurred isn’t
necessary until the relationship is established again,
and the man feels safe enough to share and to explore
those feelings/reasons.”

“The Woman
Men Adore” talks to many men and women who are
going through a divorce. He advises that the
first few months after a divorce/breakup are NOT
the time to try and figure out what went wrong.

“The first and most critical step is to allow
yourself time to heal. DON’T isolate yourself.
If you did, it would be impossible for others to
support you. The first 6 months to a year
after a divorce are hard enough, so don’t make it
worse. Force yourself to rise from your sorrow if
you have to. Get out there and spend time around
caring people – now more than ever.”

We may discover that we are always
secretly drawn to men who expose areas in our lives
that we need to work on. “They push your buttons,”
Bob says. “The men you date or marry will expose
your unresolved issue – always.”

Take this example: Susan just got divorced. Her
husband always expressed anger by yelling. This
made her feel out of control. Susan now swears
that she will never again marry a man who yells.

“Within 2 years, Susan meets and marries Jeff. Jeff
never gets angry. Problem solved – right? No. Jeff
gets angry like everyone else, but when he’s angry,
he becomes silent. Susan finds that this silence
brings about the same panic in her that her first
husband’s yelling did,” says Bob.

“Has she made a bad choice with Jeff? No, but she
has to deal with those feelings of being out of
control. The situation forces her to deal with those
feelings. If she blames Jeff for her unhappiness,
she is destined to divorce again.”

“To fully
rise from the pain of a breakup, the final stage
of healing is so simple yet most people miss it:

“Forgive yourself, and forgive your ex. Forgive
yourself for all the things you could have done.
Forgive your spouse for everything you wish he had

“Make the decision to move on and leave the
past behind, no matter what it is. That is the
final step in emerging from a divorce or breakup.”

From Mimi Tanner


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